Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Prove it first

A large unfinished building

I like to talk. I especially like to talk about myself. And if I want to get motivated I like to talk about what I am doing, or what I am about to do. When I talk about my future plans, it feels like I am actually doing something, without ever having to lift a finger. All it takes is to yap my mouth. It is really that easy. So simple!

But I get to the end of every year, look back on all the stuff I have done, but mostly what I didn't after talking it all up. I've been planning on becoming a millionaire for the last few years. And I have told everyone that it is going to happen, thanks to my small plan to take over the world.

The long and short is that it hasn't happened.

So I am taking a new road. This new road means that I will shut up. It will take out a lot of pride in order to do that (we'll see how easy that is), and it will force me to talk about what I have done (past tense rather than future tense). These are my rules. And this is my declaration. If I talk about it again, it should only be to update, not project. I have to put my money where my mouth is.

Feel free to call me out on it.

[This post was inspired by Derek Sivers]
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This is a guest post from my other blog

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