Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Pursuit of Happyness

What is happiness? What does it mean and how is it implemented? How do you live a happy life? To some it is a state-of-mind. To some it is chemical balance. To some it is spiritual or emotional states. And to some it is a psychological contentment. And each explanation has some weight. There are theories and ideas that make sense to the average person and right now I am trying to sort some of them out.

Is happiness just the absence of its opposite? For me, I cannot agree that happiness is a life without stress, pain, and struggles. That just sounds boring. But maybe it is that, only more basic. What if it is life without complaints, without hate, and without anxiety. Maybe average joe can enjoy life by ignoring the small struggles in life (although I hate the idea of the book Don't sweat the small stuff, because the small stuff can add up quickly).

As I continue on in one of the most stressful months of my life, I cannot deny the emotional anxiety that is continually ruining my happiness. I cannot push it out no matter how hard I try. As I seek this sense of balance so that I can just simply think straight, my body fights away from it, telling me I need something else. All of its options I know do not correct the problem, they only prolong the time. This fight, this struggle continues on from morning til my dreams. No answer and no one to talk to. Everyone can relate in some way, but no one really understands. No one is here. No one is in my shoes.

But that is not the problem. Because it is the same for every other person as well. I must persevere to find that joy as much as the next person. How can I push through? I know there is an answer. But I do not think it will be as easy as I think it should, nor will it be as complicated as I am guessing. It is more than denying. It is more than receiving. It is more than this life has. It is more than what I think it should be. But I know it is there.

If you want a trip, check out Daniel Craig. He has some interesting thoughts on happiness. Enjoy

[what does that even mean? Enjoy?]

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