Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Half thoughts

All day now I have been listening to talks and speeches by people much smarter than I am. Each has at one point done something to let them stand out in their field to know more than the rest. And with each exposition I understand their side, I relate to their examples and we connect in some metaphysical way.

Because of my lack of knowledge, I know I cannot refute or much dialog with them. We could have a good conversation because they are usually cool people, but from what I know and my own experiences in the world, I know that at least some of what they say is true. But how much of it?

I see their argument, their theory on this portion of life they work with. But that is all it is. When I stop and think, I see holes and things they assume or deny. Does that invalidate them? No. They are still standouts in their field for a reason. They know more than I do.

But this is not my point to figure out when to discount or believe people with credentials. My point is what do you do with opposing, believable ideas? How do you reconcile two thoughts each with faults and each with truths? Where do you put them? You cannot discount both or believe both.

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