Sometimes I just need inspiration. I need something to spark a thought together. The same way a leader or hero gathers people together, my thoughts need aligning to come together as a complete thought, a complete story.
And maybe that is it. Maybe that is the story and the reason. All leaders also need someone to follow. They need a hero. A role model. The thoughts come together and make sense as I grope around in this life looking for some direction. A bit of a director could have been helpful to this point.
And like that, the pieces fall together to form a picture. I see it in my head, and could write it out on paper, but I feel held back. It is probably for the best, but as the story in my head is dying to get out, the same story is best left unsaid. One thing I am learning is when to speak and when to shut up. I am not good at either. I usually shut up. But right now, that is best. As frustrating as it is, I need to leave that battle for another week, the last few weeks have been battles enough within myself. Today is the first day I can stand all day and look forward to the next.
But what of inspiration and leadership? I am still looking, but I know it is there, and I need look more. Until then, I am not sure. I am debating killing my blog and writing completely for myself. There I can completely express myself without judgment. Here I go again, searching for safety. But maybe it is not safety, but protection.
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