Thursday, November 6, 2008

Selfish Desires

Besides the obvious, why am I so selfish? Why do I covet and desire the nice, expensive things? Why do I want money and things?

Beside the obvious fact that they are nicer, and I want money so I do not have to worry about bills and having whatever whenever, there is something under the fact that I want. I want what I do not have. Is that the only reason? I don't think so. Is it to prove something? Then what am I proving, and to who am I proving it? It could be to prove success, I could agree with that, but that asks what is success? Or it could be to prove something to everybody. But why? Most people see rich people as selfish, stuck up jerks. Will it give me respect maybe? Or am I trying to prove something to myself? Once again, why? I am still trying to figure out who I am exactly, maybe this is part of who I am. I just do not see the purpose of proving something to myself. It is slightly ironic, or oximoronic.

I guess I just do not understand the purpose of the underlying sin and desire in my heart for things. There is so much that I want to have, I want to work for, and I'd be willing to spend my life acquiring. But what is the point? Why the desire?

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