Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Moral Obligations

Ought, should, moral right, whatever is it? How should I act? What should I do? What is our higher calling, and why do we not do it?

It seems so simple: give to those who need. But instead we want to keep selfishly and greedily. And if we do give, it is somehow twisted for our own selfish gain. There is no morality. Life is sinful and corrupt. But it makes so much sense. It is the same as cleaning our bathroom. If we did it little by little, when we have free time, it wouldn't get so dirty it takes a lot of time and a lot of cleaning. But that is the problem, we are too absorbed in our own self-satisfying, narcissistic world that we cannot even see the things around us that we have the ability to help.

I have been preaching to those around me, whether straight at them through encouragement, advice, or correction, or in my own head against them by bringing them down, degrading them, and judging them. And that is no better. I need to practice what I preach, if only to myself. We all know it is not our first reaction. We all know it is not in our own interest. But we do know it is what is right. It is our duty.

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