Friday, December 12, 2008

Have caffeine, will write

As I sit here in Peet's, I've eaten a brownie (I try to resist, but I can't) and sipped on two shots (I don't resist, they're cheap). But the more time I spend here, the less I accomplish. There is so much to do, so much time.

It has been almost two weeks since I have cut myself off music, movies, etc., and it has been refreshing yet debilitating. As productive as it can be, the productive juices have since stopped flowing. Not to say I had a lot before, but I cannot think. This is somewhat a good thing considering all the thoughts running through my head constantly. My to-do list is completed quickly, but I cannot think of more to add. So many things are in my goal/future column, but all the stuff preceding that have been cleared out of my head. With only one blog post previously this month shows how much hasn't been on my mind.

To look on the positive side, my thought life (if there is such a thing) has been completely revamped. Instead of perusing floating emotions and ideas and everything moving in and out of my mind, I finally stopped the clutter and focus on a topic until it ends. Come to a conclusion and quit wasting my time and stress on it. Also, my focus has been able to reap a few rewards. Homework is done quickly. Time is less pressed. My to-do list is cleared. My mind is less cluttered. And my conscience is less desensitized (ie. movies). But I have not decided what I want to do with it. Songs are so embedded so deep in my head that I can't not have them running through my head. It refuses to stop. My alarm will inhibit my mind all morning as mental chewing gum.

Also, as a positive, I am starting on my photography business. Continually I am pushing myself to find new things and go out and just shoot. So much in the photographic business world has opened up. So many ideas, procedures, possibilities. And it only costs money to start. But what do I have to lose. I am tired of spinning my tires and dragging my feet. This is going to start. It will be something. I am doubtful it will make my millions, but we will work on that later. I need more creative juices for that all to start.

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