On a sunny Saturday afternoon gives me a much better time to think about the week. Sitting down in Peet's, drinking some espresso, some ice water, and a french press sample gives your mind a little better ability to process everything that happened and all that really went through my mind. Not to lie, it was more than a bit overpowering, the week, that is. I can't not think about all that happened. It was so simple, yet so much. So dynamic and revealing. When dreams and goals are grasped and dashed at the same time, when emotions peak and fall out within days, when old expectations are recreated and new ones are let down, life gets a new spin. You have to look differently at old things and find new ways to think about everything new. It is all a rollercoaster without a safety harness. Life is a song without rules. A rhyme without parameters.
What a digression. Anyway, it is amazing how in one week you can learn so much and see so much in life. I saw how people can be reduced to a mass of people: the power of a crowd is created by the destroying the individual. People's dreams are destroyed by reality and not the lack of not direction but the lack of advice and wisdom or maturity. But without a desire, without a goal, there is no dream. And a sense of realism would keep too many peoples' feet on the ground and wouldn't give them the power to reach for the stars especially if it is cloudy and raining.
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