Monday, September 29, 2008

Emotional Bliss

It is called emotional intelligence, or EQ for short. And it basically means your mind monitoring your emotions on how they affect the rest of your body and its actions or desires that come from that. It's actually quite simple. For example, nervousness before a competition causes some people to freeze up and not perform well in which case you need to see this and counteract it somehow. But some people have the ability to take that nervousness and give them energy to do more without overdoing it. So thing like this show how complex people are and how simple things can completely throw us off if we don't pay attention. My predicament is that I have been paying attention and I still don't know what to do. I am in tune with everything my body is doing and saying, but somehow I have no control over it. I am at a loss. I keep thinking up possibilities, dreaming up options, feeling out ideas, but I am back at the beginning. As if I never got anywhere in the first place. I wish I knew what to do. I wish my EQ had some practical stuff to go with it.

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